So often the media report negative drone stories along the lines of "such and such event disrupted by selfish drone flyer", or "reports of drones peeping though your curtains" and other such stuff. Whilst the first has happened undoubtedly, the second as any flyer knows is pure paranoid fiction. Anyway,...
Here’s a drone use we hadn’t thought of…
Here’s a different drone story. There have been a few examples of drone light shows, and a number of intrepid souls do drone light painting. Some spectacular failures have occurred though - as well as successes. For example, at the Perth Skyshow, where drones were used instead of fireworks, a...
Tutorial: Rule of Thirds
Many, many years ago, in a video forum far, far away, I had a ‘robust’ discussion with a person I’ll call ‘Gary’, because that was his name. Gary argued the ‘Rule of 3rds was a hard and fast rule that had to be followed to get the best images, no matter...
Insurance. That necessary evil. As a drone flyer you may need it.
Yesterday I wrote a story on how to monetise your drone without the need to go the hoops of certified training etc – which can be expensive. You can read it here. On reflection though, and this applies to business as a whole and not just drone oriented, there is...
Can you make $ from a recreational drone. Yes I had a chat with CASA and here’s how.
A common question when it comes to drone flying, is “How can I make money from this?” Whilst the obvious option is to take aerial photography and video – with real estate being a popular choice – it is not quite as simple as that in the real world. As...
The Ease of Video Creation
This quick video shows what can be acheived in only a short space of time. It took 15 minutes to shoot, 20 mins to edit and 5 minutes to get online. It was shot entirely using a DJI Air2S drone and edited in DaVinci Resolve. The music is by Jacqui...
New DJI Mini 2 SE Breaks $600 / 250g Barrier
Weighing in at less than 249 grams, the Mini 2 SE is an ultraportable, regulation-friendly drone that is exempt from drone regulations in several parts of the world. Its 1/2.3-inch CMOS camera sensor films video at 2.7k and delivers photos at 12MP. These features and its affordable price point make...
Review: DJI Mic (Wireless)
I have to admit being somewhat in awe of the engineer types at DJI. I swear they go to bed still thinking on how to make something better, faster, more convenient, easier … And if the packaging is an indication of their level of attention to detail, then that is...
Hail Our New Overlord ChatGTP! Not Bloody Likely … And Here is Why
There is a LOT of noise about these days regarding this ChatGTP thingo. And a few commentators are banging on about how it will replace writers and artists and make us all redundant and destined forever to lay down prostate in front our new overlords. Or some other sort of...
DJI RS3 Mini
As promised, I have received more information direct from the horse's mouth - so to speak. Here it is. (I am still awaiting confirmation of a review unit, and hiopefully will know soon). Thankfully, my initial guess of the pricing in Australia was W-A-Y out! And you can check on...