More idiot drone flyers caught out

DJI Air2S Drone

During the recent Pacific Airshow on the Gold Coast, two people were caught launching drones, depsite the fact that CASA, the Civial Aviation Safety Authority, had imposed a blanket restriction on the airspace for the duration of the show.

Apparently the pair had launched the drones from the balconies of their high rise accomodation in Surefers Paradise, and these were tracked by specialist equipment and technology put in place for the show by the authorities.

With penalties up to AUD$1650 in the offing, and confisaction of their drones, it will be prove to be a very expensive day on the Coast.

Members of the Facebook forum DJI Owners Australia – No Sheriffs, an active drone flying group that has as an unofficial motto ‘Just Send It’ were universally quick to condemn the actions of the two. One member at the show stated “The drones were hard to miss. I was shocked they were right in the middle of the show and the flight path” while others observed it was people like this that caused others to get a bad name, especially as there are many who have paid $1,000’s to get officially licenced and certified.

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