Teaser: Is the new RØDE product coming an ATEM competitor?


Today I got an email from RØDE promising a new audio and video product. It was in the form of a video, shot very much in the “Top Gear” style when they are unveiling a new car, with lots of dark moody lighting and close ups of surfaces and curves, revealing little in the grand scheme of things.

I can only assume it is some sort of combo video / audio mixing / switching console, and RØDE are giving nothing away to either confirm or deny.

If so, this market is pretty much dominated by another Aussie company, Blackmagic Design, so could make for an interesting local and international stoush. Blackmagic has a few years on RØDE but that also means that RØDE can see what Blackmagic did and what improvements, if any, could be made.

I’ll keep you posted if and when I learn more.

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