Why does my YouTube footage look like s**t? Probably because …


A question often asked in Facebook forums and other online chat spots for video, GoPros, drones and similar devices is “Why does my footage on YouTube look so crappy? I shot it in 4K and it looks horrible there, but great on my computer”.

There are two basic reasons for this. The first is the easiest to understand and doesn’t require any technical knowledge.

When you initially upload your video, YouTube initially processes it in a low-quality format. This means the upload is done more quickly and therefore your footage is online faster for viewing on computers, smartphones, tablets TVs and so on.

Higher resolutions like 1080p or 4K require more time to process, so while this processing is taking place, it may appear to be of an inferior quality due to only the low res one being available at that time. But after the processing is finished, rest assured, your 1080p HD or 4K video will appear.

The second reason is slightly tied up in the first. This is due to the fact that that processing time I mentioned is dependent on a few factors, notably the format, length, frame rate and quality of the video you uploaded. It can take up to a few hours in some cases.

For example, if you shot your video at 60 frames per second (fps), that will take longer to process than one shot at 25 fps. Similarly, a 1080p video will take less time to process than a 4K one.

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