Every so often, this issue rears its head; Questions in various forums about cameras / camcorders and what “settings” to use for differing circumstances.
Review: Nikon Z6 III
It has also been said this new Z6 III is a mini-Z8, and I can see where they are coming from.
Astrophotography Tutorial Part 2: Which Telescope and more …
Today, I use a Skywatcher Newtonian F/5 reflector telescope that I have married to a Canon EOS 5Ds camera (although I am currently also testing a Canon EOS R8 with an EF adaptor) and get quite decent results.
Nikon News ..new lens and laser rangefinder
Nikon News ..new lens and laser rangefinder
Resurgence in higher end cameras?
In what I suspected what would happen, according to Japanese trade group CIPA (Camera and Imaging Products Association), the value of camera sales values is up, compared to 2019 at least. Apparently back then, a ‘standard’ camera purchase was around AUD$450 but in 2022 CIPA says, that has increased to...