In this latest video, after finding out from a mini survey of new DaVinci Resolve users, I have put together a tutorial covering the 6 things users seem to have issues with, especially those migrating from another video editing package.
Astrophotography: Part One – Getting Started
When I started back in 2002, I was under a big misconception. I thought to get started I needed to buy a decent telescope with an SLR film camera. How wrong can you be!
Tutorial: Keeping Shutter Speed and Frame Rate In Harmony
The frame rate and shutter speed your camera is set at to create videos is very important and getting it just right can make a huge difference in the quality of your footage.
Of Special Interest to ALL GoPro Users
Over the past few months, I have put together a bunch of information and tutorials aimed specifically at GoPro users - especially those just starting out.
GoPro: Is it the right camera? And how can I tell?
With every release of a new GoPro, the questions come thick and fast about “best settings for …” as new users join the GoPro “club”. (Actually the same can be said for DJI Action cameras and others of the same ilk).
GoPro “Settings” Should Be Renamed “Options”. IMHO.
There is no "setting" for “take a picture underwater at 4pm while I am 2m snorkelling” or option to “I am riding my bike in the rain and it’s a bit dark”.
GoPro Microphones and Audio
With a GoPro, there are a number of ways to get good audio, and a lot depends on what you are recording and how you are recording it.
My GoPro Overheats. YES! We Know. And Here Is How to Fix it!
There are things you can do to minimise this happening, and even potentially, eliminate it all together.
Photography and Video Basics (Especially for GoPro Users)
Reading through the post on various forums it is quite evident that a lot of people are not aware of the basics of video and photography, and as a result, are not getting the very best results from their cameras – whether it be a GoPro, smartphone, drone, mirrorless or...
GoPro Q & A – the most common questions answered.
In the various GoPro forums, there are standard questions that pop up again and again. Here is some samples and the respective answers to help all those with similar issues. Question: When I download my GoPro video files to my computer, they won’t play back. Audio does but there is...