Starry, starry night – well almost.

Van Gogh

Most people know of Vincent Van Gogh, the eccentric Dutchman painter who sliced off his own ear for some reason. But that’s probably as far as it goes, unless you of course watched the most excellent Dr Who episode where the good Dr and Amy Pond save Van Gogh from his demons, and then take him to the Musée d’Orsay in the future to see his artworks hanging in full glory.

It was an emotionally charged episode indeed, and one of the very best of that Dr Who era, and exposed Van Gogh to millions who otherwise may never have seen any of his work. (I won’t give away any Dr Who spoiler here as the ending is a cracker).

But last night, totally by accident, I stumbled across another and very clever way of depicting one of Van Gogh’s famous paintings using video. Van Gogh painted Café Terrace at Night in 1888 and some clever clogs has managed to find a way of animating it.

I am sure you’ll agree the result is quite amazing.

I can only think this was done using LOTS of layers to give the 3D effect, but how the animation was done I have no clue.

You can see other artworks also given the treatment including Van Gogh’s probably most famous, Starry Night, at .

Cover of GoPro Special Edition

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