“It’s Ripe for a Movie Script Don’t You Think?”

Now I am not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination – I believe Man did land on the Moon and Harold Holt wasn’t nicked by a Chinese or Russky submarine.

But you’d have to think the current assassination attempt in the US of the Trumpster makes for a potentially delicious spy movie a la the Day of the Jackal, or anything James Bond-ish if you want a lighter hearted version.

Let’s see, you have someone who thinks they should be the Prez again, whose current opponent – and the incumbent –says he is up to the job of another 4 years.

Whether that is true or not doesn’t really matter, as those that control these things in the real world don’t think he is.

Now the pretender to the throne is a bit of a Goose, but oddly, the numbers are stacking up FOR him, much to the annoyance of The Other Side, so they figure, “We’ll let the current bod run out his term, but for the new one, we’ll put his Veep on the ticket”.

As is the way of things, and if you throw enough cash about, the Goose and his pinions, sorry, minions, find out about this before it has actually happened.

And they start to panic a little. You see, the current Veep is everything the Goose isn’t. Younger by a long stretch to start with, and opposite in every other way possible – ethically, by energy and education levels, by a lack of any criminal record, and certainly not a rapist or fraud. And is Black.

But what hurts most of all, she is a WOMAN.

They know all this will sway a lot of people to the that side, so they need to cut it off at the pass, so to speak, and regain the momentum before they even start to lose it.

What to do, what do? It’s a dilemma.

So, a dastardly and cunning plan is hatched. It has its risks sure, but the returns will be worth it.

What is needed is to find someone who is prepared to probably sacrifice themselves, to take a potshot with a high powered rifle at the Goose during one of his famous rallies. They are not to actually kill him you understand; nick him at worst, and thus gain a huge swell of sympathy back their way.

Of course, some pesky people who might get in the way of this plan working need to be – ah – convinced to look the other way and ignore a few things, but this has never been a problem in the past. Ka-Ching!

And so it came to pass. There were a couple of snags; someone in the crowd inconveniently managed to get themselves killed by a stray bullet while protecting their family, and a few others were badly injured.

The shooter was himself killed, but in hindsight, that was probably a Good Thing as dead men can’t tell tales and we get to keep the money after all. And it seems all the right palms were greased as no real enquiry appears to be in the offing.

Job done.

Well, not quite. The sympathy angle worked for a day or so with the help of a very big bandage over the right and allegedly damaged ear, which somehow was miraculously healed 36 hours later.

However, the Veep effect/factor  had been underestimated and within days, the poll numbers showed she was well on track to take over as favourite at the election in 100 days time.

The question is then, what to do next?

Any takers to develop a film script? I will. For a price of course.

The fun would be who to choose as the lead actors? Who will write the theme song and sing it?

Anyone have the phone number of the Broccoli clan?

Cover of GoPro Special Edition

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