“It Just Isn’t Worth the Effort to Put a Drone in the Air Anymore” (No I Didn’t Say It)

I read a post in an online blog the other day that has to be one of the silliest I have seen in a long time when it comes to drone commentary.

It was entitled  and lamented that a combination of law-based restrictions and advances in drone technology had taken all of the fun and excitement out of it.

…”flying them seems like too much effort for not enough payoff”, he moans. Whilst admitting they are “still incredibly fun to fly”, he says the regulations simply ask too much of him.

The writer continues to go on suggesting drones are now getting boring, and blames DJI for this as they effectively have no competition (don’t tell Autel or Parrot that although I accept in Australia they are small beer).

By way of example, he cites the new Air 3, and says that yes, two cameras are good but they are downgraded from earlier models with a smaller sensor and therefore the photos were “just not that great”.

I don’t know about you, but I think he has missed the point.

If you are a professional shooter and use your drone for commercial purposes, then maybe, just maybe you need better equipment. But I think the old adage that the equipment doesn’t make the photographer stands true, and as I have said before, I have seen some remarkable shots and footage taken by pros (and amateurs come to think of it) using simple point and shoot cameras with fixed lenses.

Secondly, whilst the end product of a great photo or video is satisfying if you get it, that is not the be all and end all of drone flying – not in my book anyway as an enthusiastic amateur. It’s the whole package.

And blaming the manufacturer for making enhancements? That takes the biscuit. What would you rather have at this point? A Mini original or a Mini Pro 3?

Finally, getting to the rules and regulations part; the truth I feel, is that here in Australia we don’t have it that bad as long as common sense is used. (But I know a number will disagree with that).

The full article is at https://petapixel.com/2023/07/27/it-just-isnt-worth-the-effort-to-put-a-drone-in-the-air-anymore/ if you are interested.

Comments anyone? But keep it civil please 😊

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