Hail Our New Overlord ChatGTP! Not Bloody Likely … And Here is Why

There is a LOT of noise about these days regarding this ChatGTP thingo. And a few commentators are banging on about how it will replace writers and artists and make us all redundant and destined forever to lay down prostate in front our new overlords.

Or some other sort of similar crap.

Well, I call bullshit to this, and a very small, but also very pertinent situation arose today to prove it.

I have been reviewing a Fujifilm X-2HS camera – and a bloody good camera it is too just quietly, especially if you are into high speed nature photography or motor sport say – along with a number of gimbals from DJI and Zhiyun.

Everything worked perfectly except for one worrying, and quite important feature.  You see, to take a still shot, after the gimbal is set up correctly and the camera set to Auto USB Trigger, you simply long press the shutter release on the gimbal.

Easy and no problem.

But to shoot video, instead of a long press, you give the shutter release a short press to start rolling and a second short press to stop recording.

Except that on neither the Zhiyun or DJI gimbals this did not work. The camera’s LCD screen gave a sort of “flash” and that was it.

Much communication back and forth between all the interested parties ensued as you can imagine. And the fix was found.

Omitted from any release notes (because there are so many possible cameras that people may use on these devices, there are copious notes covering different makes, models and settings) was a single step; the dial on the Fujifilm needed to be set for “video”.

My point is that yes, quite possibly ChatGPT could “write” a review of a camera or gimbal, and some organizations I believe are already using it for just that purpose. But it cannot be analytical, have opinions and discover oddities – and fix them – during the process, as all it is doing is drawing on its database of facts and figures, as massive as that may be.

For those traits, for the foreseeable future at least, you need a human mind that also enquires, questions, analyses and forms conclusions. Oh, and has emotion. That is vital.

I would never believe an AI system that told me “I LOVE this camera!”.

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One Comment

  1. Phil

    New technology can be mind blowing and very frightening at the same time. See the BBC’s Black Mirror series (which I have never been able to watch after 4 episodes lol.

    And great logo btw!

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