Quick Survey Please?

As you may know, this website was born out of the demise of the original Videocamera magazine back in 2007, and has gone through a couple of metamorphoses since that time to be what it is today. But times change, and whereas in the past, it was skewed very heavily...

Has LinkedIn “Jumped the Shark?”

When it started, LinkedIn was a useful place for job searching, finding courses for betterment, connecting to like-minded professional people and so on. But now … If it is not someone spruiking their latest book, video, podcast or website that can tell you that following their advice will guarantee instant...

Tutorial: A Drone Primer. Buying, Using, Licensing and More…

This is a 10 minute tutorial containing all the info you need about what drone to buy, which controllers to use, using a drone for video and photography,  the rules and regulations, licencing to make money from a drone and much more.

IBC 2024

IBC 2024 in Amsterdam is a few weeks away, and the details of who is showing what is starting to trickle through. First out of the blocks is Maxon, makers of Cinema 4D, ZBRUSH and Red Giant products. They will showcasing work from digital artists from around the world. Anna...

2024 Drone Industry Summit

The summit traditionally  celebrates innovation and networking as well as insight into the latest trends and advancements in the drone industry.