The film industry and game designing. Does it all add up? I’ll spell it out.

I had an interesting, albeit short, conversation with someone today. They were a younger person, probably late teens, and serving in the local shop. Unfortunately, their whizz bang till had gone down, so all transactions were manual. My purchase came to $15.90 and I gave this person a $20 note (there was no ‘tap and go’ either).

Do you think they could work out the change to give me? Not a chance.

I was curious, so idly asked whether this person wanted to stay in this job or had higher ambitions.

“I want to be a game designer” was the reply.

Now, I have never designed a game, but I have done a lot of 3D modelling and scene creation work, which is closely related, and cannot for the life of me understand how this person – or any other similar aspirants – can even hope to get into that industry without even the basics of mathematics (and I refuse to say “math” by the way).

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I am sure you understand - the same as you don't offer your skills and research to earn a living for nothing.